About Mike
Lesson Information
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Traditional and other approaches
Suzuki Violin Book 1
Suzuki Violin Book 2
Suzuki Violin Book 3
Suzuki Violin Book 4
Suzuki Violin Book 5
Suzuki Violin Books 6 - 8
Suzuki Viola Book 1
Suzuki Viola Book 2
Suzuki Viola Book 3
Suzuki Viola Book 4
Suzuki Viola Books 5 - 6
Suzuki Violin Book 5
Performance tempos
These are the original videos and are all play throughs at a fairly brisk tempo in many cases, good for becoming acquainted with the piece, perhaps practicing the bowing, or playing along when the piece is learned.
Bach - Unaccompanied Gavotte - Original version
Bach - Unaccompanied Gavotte - Revised version
Vivaldi Concerto in A minor, 2nd movement
Vivaldi Concerto in G minor, 1st movement
Vivaldi Concerto in G minor, 2nd
Vivaldi Concerto in G minor, 3rd movement
Country Dance
(von Weber)
German Dance
von Dittersdorf)
Veracini - Gigue - Original edition
Veracini - Gigue - Revised edition
Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins, 1st violin
Slow and moderate tempos
These are play throughs of the pieces in a moderate performance tempo, good for becoming acquainted with the piece, or playing along when the piece is learned.
Bach - Unaccompanied Gavotte - A moderate tempo
play - along
Vivaldi - Concerto in A minor, 2nd Movement - A
moderate tempo play - along
Vivaldi - Concerto in G minor, 1st Movement - Slow
play - along
Vivaldi - Concerto in G minor, 2nd Movement - A
play - through
Vivaldi - Concerto in G minor, 3rd Movement - A
slow play - along
Country Dance (von Weber) - Moderate tempo
play - through
German Dance (von Dittersdorf) - Moderate
play - through
Veracini - Gigue - A moderate tempo play - along
Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins, 1st violin part - A slow
play - along
Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins, 1st violin part - A few
practice spots